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專注力與默認模式網絡: 研究指出,長時間瀏覽網路資訊會削弱人們持續專注的能力,因為網路內容源源不絕地刺激大腦,使注意力分散
。在實驗中,習慣同時處理多媒體資訊(例如一邊看直播一邊滑手機)的「重度多工」族群,在認知測試中的表現較差,更容易受無關刺激干擾。這說明經常觀看直播等多媒體內容,可能使大腦更難長時間專注於單一任務。決策機制與即時獎賞: 大腦成癮研究發現,不論是物質成癮或行為成癮(如網路/遊戲成癮),患者在風險決策時大腦有相似的異常模式:前額葉皮質(OFC)和紋狀體活動過度
多巴胺的釋放: 從神經科學角度看,令人愉悅的活動都會引發大腦多巴胺釋放。例如,研究早已證實打電玩時大腦會釋放大量多巴胺
。同樣地,追劇或觀看喜愛的直播會讓人產生類似「愉悅興奮感」,因為多巴胺讓我們感到快樂亢奮。這種多巴胺驅動的高酣狀態和藥物帶來的快感機制相似。當不斷追看時,大腦持續分泌多巴胺,增強行為的強化效果,讓人渴望不斷觀看以維持快感。獎賞迴路的強化: 精細的腦造影研究提供了直接證據。Su 等人(2021)的fMRI研究比較了抖音短視頻的個性化推薦內容與一般內容對大腦的影響,發現兩種影片都刺激中腦黑質(SN),而個性化推薦影片額外強烈激活了腹側被蓋區(VTA)
認知與注意力影響: 長期大量觀看直播或影片可能重塑大腦的結構與功能。大量研究表明,青少年過度網路/遊戲成癮會導致大腦功能和結構改變
。例如,一項針對154名14歲少年的國際研究發現,經常打電玩的青少年(每週超過9小時)相比很少玩者,左側腹側紋狀體體積更大,且在遊戲中失敗時該區域反應更強烈。這顯示大腦獎賞中心因頻繁刺激而增生敏化。另一項由韓美科學家進行的實驗發現,連續10天每天玩超過1小時遊戲後,受試者看到遊戲相關提示時,大腦反應模式與毒癮者看到毒品時相似——背外側前額葉(DLPFC)、眶額皮質(OFC)、海馬旁回與丘腦等區域都被強烈激活。上述區域涉及衝動抑制和情緒記憶,此結果意味著長時間沈迷於數位刺激(如遊戲或直播)會讓大腦對相關刺激產生類似上癮的反射,可能削弱理性控制。衝動控制與延遲滿足: 近期對短影音沉迷的研究亦指出,自控力較低的人更容易產生直播/短視頻成癮症狀
。換言之,低衝動抑制力是直播沉迷的風險因子。同時,長期反覆接受即時獎賞會降低對延遲滿足的耐受度。有報告顯示,TikTok等短視頻會削弱年輕人的衝動控制能力和延遲滿足的判斷。這些觀眾的大腦持續被短暫強烈的娛樂刺激(對未知驚喜的期待)所驅動,多巴胺不斷分泌,類似反覆吃甜食或服用令人愉悅的物質。長此以往,大腦可能習慣高強度刺激而難以適應平淡環境,一旦停止觀看便出現煩躁不安等反應。臨床觀察也發現,一些沉迷追劇/直播的人在被打斷或被要求停止時,會變得易怒、焦躁,甚至不理性,甚至試圖隱瞞自己的觀看行為。這反映長期沈迷可能干擾情緒調節,使人對直播產生依賴。情緒調節與心理健康: 過度觀看直播除了影響即時的情緒高漲,長期看下來也可能帶來心理上的低落和孤立感。有研究指出,沉浸於數位媒體與主觀孤獨感的增加呈正相關
內向與外向: 現有研究顯示,不同人格的人觀看直播的頻率存在顯著差異。一項對中國一般人群的調查發現,外向性(extraversion)與直播使用頻率呈負相關,而開放性(openness)呈正相關
。也就是說,較內向的人更傾向經常看直播,反之,外向社交者可能因現實社交活動多而較少沈浸於直播。這項研究還指出,開放性高的人往往把直播當作獲取新資訊和娛樂的管道,因此更容易被吸引。值得一提的是,直播觀眾中即使有高外向者,他們往往也傾向於互動聊天(如在直播聊天室發言)以滿足社交動機,而不是純粹被動觀看。神經質與衝動傾向: 關於神經質(neuroticism)和宜人性(agreeableness)的人格維度,研究結果顯示其與直播成癮性使用關係密切。Cheng 等人(2019)發現,較不友善(低宜人性)的人更容易沉迷直播,而神經質傾向高則預示更強的直播成癮傾向
。這可能是因為神經質者常感到焦慮、不安,可能將直播視為逃避現實壓力或孤獨感的途徑。相反地,宜人性高的人自律性和節制力較強,較能控制線上行為不上癮。另一項研究也支持上述發現:自我控制力(與衝動性相反的特質)越低的人,越容易呈現直播成癮症狀。這意味著衝動性人格(難以延遲滿足、控制慾望)可能使人更難抗拒直播的即時誘惑,因而長時間沈迷。其他特質: 開放性人格與直播使用正相關,代表樂於嘗新的觀眾更傾向參與各種類型的直播
The “online brain”: how the Internet may be changing our cognition - PMC
remains a central topic of investigation. Here we draw on recent psychological, psychiatric and neuroimaging findings to examine several key hypotheses on how the Internet may be changing our cognition. Specifically, we explore how unique features of the online world may be influencing: a) attentional capacities, as the constantly evolving stream of online information encourages our divided attention across multiple media sources, at the expense of sustained concentration; b) memory processes, as this vast and ubiquitous source of online information begins to shift the way we retrieve, store, and even value knowledge; and c) social cognition, as the ability for online social settings to resemble and evoke real‐world social processes creates a new interplay
The “online brain”: how the Internet may be changing our cognition - PMC
extensive) media multi‐tasking compared to those who did not. Cognitive testing of the two groups produced the then‐surprising finding that those involved in heavy media multi‐tasking performed worse in task‐switching tests than their counterparts – contrary to the authors’ expectation that the “extra practice” afforded by frequent media multi‐tasking would confer cognitive benefit in task‐switching scenarios. Closer inspection of findings suggested that the impeded task‐switching ability in heavy media multi‐tasking individuals was due to their increased susceptibility to distraction from irrelevant environmental
A Systematic Review on Common and Distinct Neural Correlates of Risk-taking in Substance-related and Non-substance Related Addictions - PMC
convergent altered risk-related neural processes, including hyperactivity in the OFC and the striatum. As characteristic for both addiction types, these brain regions may represent an underlying mechanism of suboptimal decision- making. In contrast, decreased DLPFC activity may be specific to SRAs and decreased IFG activity could only be identified for NSRAs. The precuneus and posterior cingulate show elevated activity in SRAs, while findings regarding these areas were mixed in NSRAs. Additional scarce evidence suggests decreased ventral ACC activity and increased dorsal ACC activity in both addiction types. Associations between identified activation patterns with drug use severity
多巴胺是一种重要的神经递质,它主要负责传递兴奋的信息[1]。从认知神经科学的角度来说,爱情之所以美妙,毒品之所以容易让人沉沦,皆是因为它们可以让我们的大脑释放出 大量的多巴胺。
Binge-Watching and Your Health | Northwestern Medicine
When you're engaged in an activity you enjoy, your brain produces dopamine — a chemical that promotes feelings of pleasure, excitement and happiness. The release of dopamine helps us feel good, and it results in a "high" similar to that induced by drugs and other substances with addictive qualities. Your brain craves more and more, and as long as you continue to binge, your brain produces dopamine.
智能手机,平板电脑,游戏机——生活在数字时代,这些设备早已成为很多人生活的一部分。电子设备通过为我们提供丰富的资讯和娱乐选择,为我们的生活带来了巨大的便利。不过 ,长期被裹挟在信息的浪潮中,我们的大脑常常面临着信息超载的困境。对儿童和青少年来说,这些电子设备更是大大增加了他们对网络和游戏成瘾的可能性。大量的研究表明,网络 和游戏成瘾都会对青少年的大脑带来功能和结构上的改变。下面就让我们来看看,过度使用电子设备上网和玩游戏可能会对儿童和青少年的大脑造成什么影响。
多巴胺的释放会让我们感到快乐,甚至上瘾。科学家们很早就发现,人们在玩视频游戏的时候,大脑会释放出大量的多巴胺[2]。玩游戏本身是一件有趣的事情,大脑释放“快乐信 号”不足为奇。不过,长期释放大量多巴胺,我们的大脑会发生什么变化吗?
另一项由韩国和美国科学家进行的研究表明[4],在连续十天每天玩一小时以上的网络游戏之后,实验参加者面对游戏信号时的大脑反应类似于药物成瘾者面对毒品时的大脑反应— —二者的背外侧前额叶皮层、眶额叶皮层、海马旁回和丘脑都会被激活(见图一)。
首先,因为没有前人研究抖音是否会导致类成瘾行为(addiction-like behaviors),所以研究者找了208名年轻人被试来回答问卷。结果发现,被试的年龄与成瘾行为没有相关,有相关的是自控力:自控力越低,成瘾症状越严重。
短影音看多變抖音腦? 研究:影響兒少腦部發育 | 公視新聞網 PNN
match at L159 已經有研究指出,TikTok短影音會影響年輕人的衝動控制,以及評斷延遲滿足的能力。學童頻繁且長期觀看娛樂性短影音,會刺激大腦持續分泌多巴胺,美食和毒品都會引發同 樣的效應,時間一久甚至會出現上癮。
Binge-Watching and Your Health | Northwestern Medicine
As a result, binge-watching can adversely affect your relationships, goals and commitments. You may struggle to manage how much time you spend watching TV, or you may find that you need to continually increase the time you spend watching TV to experience the same degree of satisfaction. You may become defensive, irritable or unreasonable when asked to stop, and you may even start lying to cover up your binge-watching.
Binge-Watching and Your Health | Northwestern Medicine
in loneliness among individuals. People may often feel a sense of melancholy or feelings of frustration and emptiness after watching multiple episodes of a TV show in a row.
18名网络成瘾青少年与15名健康青少年的大脑成像结果,他们发现,“网瘾”青少年在某些大脑区域的灰质密度显著低于对照组,其中包括与成瘾密切相关的脑岛和控制情绪的扣 带回(见图二)。
Binge-Watching and Your Health | Northwestern Medicine
depression, insomnia, anxiety, stress, and loneliness. * Back problems. Posture is an important part of spine health. Poor posture while watching TV can cause your spine to be curved or weak, leading to back pain and musculoskeletal
Who Watches Live Streaming in China? Examining Viewers’ Behaviors, Personality Traits, and Motivations - PMC
With millions of viewers globally, live streaming is a new social media that can deliver video content in real time and with many social interaction functions. Our research aims to understand the personality traits and the motivations of active live streaming viewers as well as their user behaviors in the general population in China. Our results indicate that extraversion was negatively associated with live streaming use, while openness was positively associated. The main motivations to watch live streaming were social interaction, information gathering, and entertainment, and they were associated with different frequencies of use and genre selection. Financial tipping behavior
Who Watches Live Streaming in China? Examining Viewers’ Behaviors, Personality Traits, and Motivations - PMC
Previous studies indicate that extraverts are sociable and talkative people actively engaging in various activities in the virtual world. For example, extraverts were found to belong to more Facebook groups (Ross et al., 2009 ) and were more likely to use the communicative functions of SNS ( 40). However, the negative association of extraversion and SNS use was supported by findings from Wang et al. (2012) in using the online gaming functions of SNS. 41 explained that the popularity of SNS may contribute to the conflicting results. When the popularity grows, more people switch to those online social networking platforms. Therefore,
Who Watches Live Streaming in China? Examining Viewers’ Behaviors, Personality Traits, and Motivations - PMC
Cheng et al. (2019) found that agreeableness was negatively and neuroticism was positively related to the addictive use of live video streaming, but other personality traits showed no significant relationship. Other scholars looked into the personality patterns of streamers and suggested that low in openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion but high in neuroticism during the streaming tend to own more popularity ( 39). However, to our knowledge, no study has yet examined how personality traits are associated with the viewers’ general live streaming use. Thus, we grounded our hypotheses in broad SNS research and considered the features of live
Who Watches Live Streaming in China? Examining Viewers’ Behaviors, Personality Traits, and Motivations - PMC
The neuroticism–loneliness hypothesis proposed that neurotics could use the Internet to avoid loneliness and escape from everyday life (e.g., Hamburger and Ben-Artzi, 2003 ). Findings have supported that neurotics demonstrate a strong interest in using Facebook for socializing ( 45; Hughes et al., 2012). The room setting in live streaming forms groups of people with similar interests and facilitates group communication with real-time chat functions. Thus, we suggest this association stands in live
Who Watches Live Streaming in China? Examining Viewers’ Behaviors, Personality Traits, and Motivations - PMC
Recently, research investigated what drives people to tip and found that social interaction plays an important role (Deng and Chau, 2019 ; 67). Lu et al. (2018) interviewed users and suggested that tipping facilitates users to present and express themselves. Tipping also helps viewers win attention and admiration from other viewers. 68 proposed a model and argued that tipping can build up swift guanxi between streamers and viewers. This is consistent with previous findings of virtual goods in online games. The findings suggested that the sociability of online games is significantly associated with the intention to purchase (Animesh et al., 2011) and how much real money players spend to purchase virtual
Who Watches Live Streaming in China? Examining Viewers’ Behaviors, Personality Traits, and Motivations - PMC
* H8: