[Bard] Ableton Live 11 new features

 以下是 Ableton Live 11 Ableton Live 10 相比的一些新功能:


支持 MPEMIDI 多聲道表情): 這讓您可以用單個 MIDI 控制器控制音符的多個參數,如彎音、壓力和速度。這可用於創建更具表現力和細微差別的表演。

新設備 Live 11 包含多個新設備,包括混合混響器、可變波形器和琶音器。這些設備為你的製作提供了新的音效可能性和創造性工具。

改進的合成 Live 11 的合成系統得到了改進,使創建和編輯多段演奏變得更加容易。

連結音軌編輯: 這項新功能允許你同時編輯多個音軌的內容,這對編輯多音軌樂器或表演很有幫助。

新音效 Live 11 包含大量新音效,包括樂器、效果和迴圈。

其他改進 Live 11 還包括許多其他改進,例如新的使用者介面、改進的性能以及 Max for Live 的新功能。



支持 MPEMIDI 複調表情): MPE MIDI 的一種新標準,允許用一個 MIDI 控制器控制音符的多個參數。這可用于創造更具表現力和細微差別的演奏。例如,你可以用 MPE 控制單個音符的彎音、壓力和速度,也可以用它來控制和絃的平移、音色和調製。

新設備 Live 11 包含多個新設備,包括混合混響器、可變波形器和琶音器。這些設備為你的製作提供了新的音效可能性和創造性工具。


Wavetable 是一款全新的波形合成器,讓你可以創建和處理各種來源的聲音,包括採樣、錄音,甚至你自己的聲音。

琶音器是一個全新的琶音器裝置,可讓你通過單個 MIDI 輸入創建音符模式。

改進的合成 Live 11 的合成系統經過改進,可以更輕鬆地創建和編輯多段演奏。有了新的合成系統,你可以輕鬆試聽不同的片段,刪除不需要的片段,重新安排片段順序。

連結音軌編輯: 這項新功能允許你同時編輯多個音軌的內容,這對編輯多音軌樂器或表演很有幫助。例如,你可以使用連結音軌編輯功能快速改變一個項目中所有音軌的音高,或為一組音軌中的所有音軌快速添加效果。

新音效 Live 11 包含大量新音效,包括樂器、特效和迴圈。這些音效專為與 MPE 配合使用而設計,提供了廣泛的音效可能性。

其他改進 Live 11 還包括許多其他改進,例如新的使用者介面、改進的性能以及 Max for Live 的新功能。

總的來說,Ableton Live 11 Live 10 的重大升級。它提供了許多新功能和改進,能讓你的音樂製作更有創意、更有效率。

Here are some of the new features in Ableton Live 11 over 10:

  • MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) support: This allows you to control multiple parameters of a note with a single MIDI controller, such as pitch bend, pressure, and velocity. This can be used to create more expressive and nuanced performances.
  • New devices: Live 11 includes several new devices, including Hybrid Reverb, Wavetable, and Arpeggiator. These devices offer new sonic possibilities and creative tools for your productions.
  • Improved comping: Live 11's comping system has been improved, making it easier to create and edit multiple takes of a performance.
  • Linked-track editing: This new feature allows you to edit the content of multiple tracks simultaneously, which can be helpful for editing multi-tracked instruments or performances.
  • New sounds: Live 11 includes a number of new sounds, including instruments, effects, and loops.
  • Other improvements: Live 11 also includes a number of other improvements, such as a new user interface, improved performance, and new features for Max for Live.

Here is a more detailed description of some of the new features:

  • MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) support: MPE is a new standard for MIDI that allows you to control multiple parameters of a note with a single MIDI controller. This can be used to create more expressive and nuanced performances. For example, you could use MPE to control the pitch bend, pressure, and velocity of a single note, or you could use it to control the panning, timbre, and modulation of a chord.
  • New devices: Live 11 includes several new devices, including Hybrid Reverb, Wavetable, and Arpeggiator. These devices offer new sonic possibilities and creative tools for your productions.
    • Hybrid Reverb is a new reverb device that combines the sound of a classic analog reverb with the flexibility of a digital reverb.
    • Wavetable is a new wavetable synthesizer that allows you to create and manipulate sounds from a variety of sources, including samples, recordings, and even your own voice.
    • Arpeggiator is a new arpeggiator device that allows you to create patterns of notes from a single MIDI input.
  • Improved comping: Live 11's comping system has been improved, making it easier to create and edit multiple takes of a performance. With the new comping system, you can easily audition different takes, delete unwanted takes, and rearrange the order of takes.
  • Linked-track editing: This new feature allows you to edit the content of multiple tracks simultaneously, which can be helpful for editing multi-tracked instruments or performances. For example, you could use linked-track editing to quickly change the pitch of all the tracks in a project, or to quickly add effects to all the tracks in a group.
  • New sounds: Live 11 includes a number of new sounds, including instruments, effects, and loops. These sounds are designed to be used with MPE, and they offer a wide range of sonic possibilities.
  • Other improvements: Live 11 also includes a number of other improvements, such as a new user interface, improved performance, and new features for Max for Live.

Overall, Ableton Live 11 is a significant upgrade over Live 10. It offers a number of new features and improvements that can make your music production more creative and efficient.
