ChatGPT as a NLP therapist

 client: I feel bad charging people high rate even though I provide excellent service, I feel like I'm taking advantage of my clients.  At the same time, I do know I provide better service that deserve higher rate, and I do need more income.  What should I do?

Therapist (using NLP techniques): "Let's begin by understanding the core of your feelings. When you say you feel like you're 'taking advantage of your clients', what does that make you think about or visualize?"

Client: "I imagine them feeling cheated or thinking I'm greedy."

Therapist: "It's interesting that even though you acknowledge the quality and excellence of your service, there's a conflict in how you perceive the value exchange. Let's reframe that thought. Instead of focusing on the price, how about concentrating on the value you're delivering? Can you list some benefits your clients receive from your services?"

Client: "Well, they save a lot of time, they get better results than if they went elsewhere, and they often compliment me on my thoroughness and attention to detail."

Therapist: "That's wonderful! Now, when you think of those benefits, how does that make you feel about the service you're providing?"

Client: "I feel proud and confident."

Therapist: "Let's anchor that feeling. Every time you think of the rate you charge, touch your wrist and remember these benefits and the feeling of pride and confidence. Over time, you can change the association from 'charging high rates' to 'delivering exceptional value'."

Client: "But what if they can't afford me?"

Therapist: "That's a valid concern. However, consider this: there are always varied price points in any industry. Some people seek out luxury cars, while others are content with budget-friendly options. Both have their market. By offering premium service, you're targeting a specific market segment. It's not about taking advantage, it's about aligning your value with the right clientele. And remember, there's nothing wrong with offering payment plans or sliding scales if that's something you feel aligned with."

Client: "That makes sense. I'll try to change my perspective and see how it goes."

Therapist: "Remember, it's a journey. The more you practice, the more you'll align with the value you provide. Every time you receive positive feedback or see the tangible results of your work, use it as evidence that you're offering something truly valuable."

This exchange showcases the process of reframing the client's beliefs using NLP, anchoring positive feelings, and drawing upon logical reasoning to shift perspectives.


客戶: "我想像他们會覺得被欺騙或者認為我很貪心。”

治療師: "有趣的是,即使你承認自己提供的服務的質量和卓越性,你對價值交換的認知還是存在衝突。讓我們重新框定這個想法。與其專注於價格,不如專注於你提供的價值。你可以列出客戶從你的服務中獲得的一些好處嗎?"


治療師: "太好了!現在,當你想到這些好處時,這會讓你對提供的服務感覺如何呢?"


治療師: "讓我們鞏固這種感覺。每次你想到你收費的價格,摸摸你的手腕,並記住這些好處和自豪、自信的感覺。隨著時間的推移,你可以從'收取高價'更改聯想為'提供卓越的價值'。”






client: I'm a manager now and my teammates are mostly more senior than I am in this company.  I have trouble acting like a 'boss' and sometimes they disobey me passive aggressively.  I feel frustrated yet I don't know what to do about it.

Therapist (using NLP techniques): "Firstly, congratulations on your new position! It's natural to feel uncertain when managing more experienced teammates. Let's understand this more deeply. When you think about acting like a 'boss', what images or feelings come to mind?"

Client: "I imagine being assertive, maybe even too aggressive. I don’t want to be disliked, yet I want to be respected."

Therapist: "It sounds like there's a fine balance you're trying to achieve between assertiveness and approachability. Let's reframe the role from 'boss' to 'leader'. How does the term 'leader' resonate with you compared to 'boss'?"

Client: "It feels more collaborative and guiding rather than dictating."

Therapist: "That's a good insight. Leading isn’t just about authority but about guidance, mentorship, and collaboration. Now, consider the qualities of a leader that you admire. Can you list them?"

Client: "Empathy, clear communication, understanding, and decisiveness."

Therapist: "Fantastic. Now, visualize yourself embodying these qualities when interacting with your team. Remember that your team's experience can be an asset, and leveraging their knowledge doesn't diminish your leadership. How would it feel to approach them seeking their expertise while still making the final call as a leader?"

Client: "I think that would make them feel valued and reinforce my position as someone who listens but also makes decisions."

Therapist: "Absolutely. Let's anchor this feeling. When you interact with your team, touch the side of your leg subtly and recall this mindset of being a guiding leader who values collaboration. Over time, this can help you naturally adopt this balanced leadership style."

Client: "But what about the passive-aggressive behavior?"

Therapist: "Addressing it directly, yet empathetically, is crucial. Instead of confronting it as defiance, approach it as seeking clarity. For instance, 'I noticed you seemed hesitant about the last project. Is there something you’d like to discuss?' This invites open communication rather than defensiveness."

Client: "That sounds reasonable. I’ll work on that approach and see how it changes our dynamics."

Therapist: "Remember, leadership is a journey and a skill that's developed over time. Embrace feedback, remain open to learning, and trust in your ability to grow in this role. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth."

This exchange exemplifies the NLP approach of reframing, visualization, and anchoring to address concerns and shift perceptions towards effective leadership.

治療師(使用NLP技巧): "首先,恭喜你獲得新的職位!當管理經驗更豐富的團隊成員時自然會感到不確定。讓我們深入了解這一點。當你考慮如何像一個'老板'那樣行事時,你會想到什麼畫面或感覺呢?"

客戶: "我想象自己會變得更有主見,甚至可能太過於攻擊性。我不想被人討厭,但我還是希望得到尊重。"

治療師: "聽起來你正在努力在有主見和易於接近之間取得平衡。讓我們將角色從'老板'重新框定為'領導者'。與'老板'相比,'領導者'這個詞對你有什麼共鳴呢?"

客戶: "感覺更加的合作和指導,而不是命令。"

治療師: "這是很好的洞察。領導不僅僅是關於權威,更是關於指導、指導和合作。現在,考慮一下你欽佩的領導者的品質。你可以列舉出來嗎?"

客戶: "同理心、清晰的溝通、理解和果斷。"

治療師: "太好了。現在,當你與團隊互動時,想像自己體現這些品質。請記住,你團隊的經驗可以是一個資產,利用他們的知識不會減少你的領導地位。如果你在做最後的決策時還尋求他們的專業知識,那會是什麼感覺呢?"

客戶: "我認為這會讓他們覺得自己很有價值,並加強我作為一個既傾聽又做決策的人的地位。"

治療師: "絕對正確。讓我們確定這種感覺。當你與團隊互動時,微妙地觸摸你的腿的側面,並回想這種充分尊重合作的指導領導者的心態。隨著時間的推移,這可以幫助你自然地採用這種平衡的領導風格。"

客戶: "但是那些被動攻擊性的行為呢?"

治療師: "直接但同情地解決它是至關重要的。而不是將其視為反抗,而是將其視為尋求明確性。例如,'我注意到你對上一個項目似乎有些猶豫。有什麼你想討論的嗎?' 這邀請開放的溝通而不是防禦。"

客戶: "這聽起來很合理。我會試著採用這種方法,看看它如何改變我們的關係。"

治療師: "請記住,領導是一次旅程,也是一項隨著時間發展的技能。擁抱反饋,保持開放學習的態度,並信任自己在這一角色中成長的能力。每一個挑戰都是一個成長的機會。"


client: I work remotely in Asian and is far away from the US headquarter, managements in US have their regular meetings I can't really attend because of the time difference and I only get to communicate with them via emails.  I feel I am distanced from them and I don't get to be part of the team.  What can I do?

**Therapist (using NLP techniques)**: "It's entirely understandable to feel this way given the physical and time-zone distance between you and the main office. Let's begin by examining the emotions you feel. When you say you feel 'distanced', what images or thoughts come to mind?"

**Client**: "I see myself on the outside looking in. It's like there's a glass wall, and I can see everyone interacting, but I'm not part of it."

**Therapist**: "That's a vivid image. It's essential to recognize this feeling, but also to understand that sometimes our perceptions might not necessarily match reality. Let’s reframe the situation. Instead of seeing yourself as on the 'outside', what if you viewed your position as unique and valuable? Being in Asia, you bring a different perspective to the table. Can you think of any advantages this might offer?"

**Client**: "Well, I do understand the Asian market better, and I have a more flexible schedule compared to the US team."

**Therapist**: "Exactly. You provide insights that they might not have. Now, regarding communication, emails can often be impersonal. Have you considered proposing regular video check-ins, even if they're brief, to build rapport and maintain connection?"

**Client**: "No, I haven’t. But that sounds like a good idea."

**Therapist**: "Great. When suggesting this to your management, anchor the proposal with the value you bring. You can say something like, 'To ensure that the Asian perspective is well-represented and to improve our collaboration, can we consider a regular video check-in at a time that works for both?'. How does that feel?"

**Client**: "It feels proactive. I think they would appreciate the initiative."

**Therapist**: "Absolutely. Remember, every team member has a unique value proposition, and distance can be bridged with consistent communication and understanding. It's not always about being physically present but about ensuring your presence is felt and your contributions are recognized."

**Client**: "I'll definitely give it a try. Thank you for helping me see things differently."

**Therapist**: "You're welcome. And always remember, it's the quality of interactions and contributions that matter most, not just the quantity. Embrace your unique position and use it to your advantage."

This dialogue emphasizes the NLP approach of reframing a situation, visualizing a positive outcome, and providing actionable steps for the client to enhance their sense of belonging and contribution.

治療師 (使用NLP技巧): "考慮到您和主要辦公室之間的實際和時區距離,這樣的感受是完全可以理解的。首先,讓我們深入探討您的情感。當您說感覺'距離遙遠'時,您腦海中浮現的圖像或想法是什麼?"

客戶: "我覺得自己是在外面看進去。好像有一面玻璃牆,我可以看到每個人都在互動,但我不是其中的一部分。"

治療師: "這是一個非常生動的形象。認識到這種感覺是很重要的,但我們也要明白,有時我們的認知可能不一定與現實相符。讓我們重新框定這個情況。如果不是把自己看作是'外部的',而是視自己的位置為獨特和有價值的呢?作為在亞洲的一員,您為團隊帶來了不同的視角。您能想到這可能帶來的任何優勢嗎?"

客戶: "嗯,我對亞洲市場的了解更深,而且與美國團隊相比,我有更靈活的時間安排。"

治療師: "確實如此。您提供了他們可能沒有的見解。現在,關於通信,電子郵件通常都很不具個性。您有考慮過提議定期進行短暫的視頻通話,以建立關係並保持連接嗎?"

客戶: "沒有,但這聽起來是個好主意。"

治療師: "很好。當您向您的管理層提出這個建議時,用您帶來的價值為提議打下基礎。您可以說些什麼像:'為了確保亞洲的觀點得到充分的代表,並改善我們的合作,我們可以考慮在對雙方都合適的時間進行定期的視頻通話嗎?'.這感覺如何?"

客戶: "感覺很前瞻。我認為他們會欣賞這種主動性。"

治療師: "絕對的。請記住,每個團隊成員都有獨特的價值定位,並且可以通過持續的通信和理解來彌合距離。這不僅僅是關於身體上的存在,而是關於確保您的存在被感覺到,並且您的貢獻得到認可。"

客戶: "我肯定會試試看。謝謝您幫助我以不同的角度看待事物。"

治療師: "不用謝。請始終記住,最重要的是互動和貢獻的質量,而不僅僅是數量。擁抱您的獨特位置,並利用它為您帶來的優勢。"

